Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Night Shifts (After Seneca) free essay sample

There I remain behind a counter that squares me from this world. I hear the clients talk in a high pitch just known as dissatisfaction. Which will she purchase for the dress, she pronounces, seeing her girl. The girl reacts in a tone possibly just canines ought to hear that she despises each and every choice. Out of sight you get the white-out clamor of a disappointed spat which must be that they theyre going to contend when they get to the front. A little carriage squeaks as it passes, sharing that the woman will leave soon. I stand uncertain about whether to roll the truck to take care of the texture or to remain and support my companion. He mutters to himself how he needs a smoke and a decent espresso as he steps his feet and commandingly puts the texture on the table with a smack. He has some sort of old and unconventional music playing from a not all that ageless radio. We will compose a custom exposition test on Night Shifts (After Seneca) or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page A couple requests help with the adornments area, and he with his excessively ready brain, has a fast reaction. I hear him leave the counter from which we stand. The trough is rapidly Spanish (which she doesn't have the foggiest idea about all the words to) trying to converse with a more seasoned respectable man about how to make a blessing to astound his most youthful. She with her uproarious voice can be gotten notification from a couple of columns awaya sing tune y voice that folds into chuckling. Giving me the texture he needs cut, I attempt to discover the furrow for cutting and the sound of metal gathering itself closes with a thump. As the scissors currently clip into the texture, she keeps on talking stronger as she ventures into the following walkway till she finds what she was searching for. You would now be able to hear my companion coming back from helping the couple; I can nearly feel his shout as it hits my ear when he sets off the occasional movement sensor items. He ex cessively whines that he isnt paid for a cardiovascular failure however truly is currently battling the chuckling that wont quit, seeing this will be the second time this night he copied a little childs shout. Presently to calm the store, he jumps on the speaker and declares that we will be shutting soon in endeavor to have everybody quit remarking on the last occasion. As we close, you hear the last carriages being returned to their homes with the sound of them compellingly being assembled back. The delicate prattle of every client leaving the store starts to cease to exist till just a couple are left. The opportunity is approaching near the end with every declaration blasting over our heads; you can hear every specialists urgency to at last stroll through the ways to begin their excursions home. One colleague has started the profound moans of depletion that can recount to the account of what life has tossed at them. It is at long last shutting time. As the last hardly any clients head to the front, so do the workers. One of us heads to the entryway to bolt it as every individual completes their exchange. One young lady looks at the remainder of the line as the chief shuts the draws. You can hear numerous great evenings and last inquiries. Attempting to close as quick as possible, we escort the last one out. The store haves everything lock and prepared to rest. My companion brings over the trough, and they go out for a last smoke before the genuine work starts. Being outside in the severe air, you can nearly hear the delicate murmur of the parkway and significantly progressively closer the road with vehicles halting and beginning at regular intervals to the musicality of the light. There is a family coming out of the café a couple of stores down, and the children are screeching as they hurry to the vehicle. They yell consolations to their folks who fall increasingly behind. My companion gradually discusses workmanship and the si gnificance of life as he rapidly begins whaling at the moonas if his issues would have been fixed by it. My director sits on the check, just creation hints of understanding, and pings are originating from the gadgets in her grasp. Inside there is a ton of work to be finished. There is texture to be taken care of and garbage to go out with a clock cause somebody overlooked a mid-day break and cant remain any later at that point inquired. The sound of every worker turning on their music begins so each side of the store appears to have a sample of each kind. Its progressively livelier everybody is discussing their day and glad to share what been going on at home. The sound or the snap of the considerable number of radios turn off as every one concludes that shouting and hollering to one another is a superior decision. I return to the truck I didnt know whether I needed to take care of prior, realizing I need to drag it as its heavyweight makes it collide with each end top. The feeling of working close to somebody is soothing as each does whatever them might want to do, hearing the sound of breath if not the music of decision first. The sound of the light switch clicking gradually begins, and the trucks squeak back to their homes as the caution blares, cautioning that anybody left isnt needed organization, and with that we close for ourselves.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Micromax Info Essay Example for Free

Micromax Info Essay Regd. Office: 21/14, Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi-110028. Implicit rules FOR DIRECTORS, SENIOR MANAGEMENT, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF MICROMAX INFORMATICS LTD. MICROMAX INFORMATICS LIMITED is focused on leading its business as per the relevant laws, rules and guidelines and with best expectations of business morals. This code is expected to give direction and help in perceiving and managing moral issues, give instruments to report dishonest lead, and to help encourage a culture of genuineness and responsibility. Every Director, ranking director, official and worker is required to follow the letter and soul of this code. The Directors, senior administration, officials and representatives of the Company must not just conform to material laws, rules and guidelines yet ought to likewise advance legitimate and moral lead of the business. They should keep the approaches and methods that administer the direct of the Companys business. Their obligations incorporate assisting with making and keep up a culture of high moral guidelines and pledge to consistence, and to keep up a workplace that urges the partners to raise worries to the consideration of the administration. A present, in general, substance of this Code are practically speaking, being now trailed by the Directors and the Senior Management, be that as it may, in consistence with the new Clause 49 of the posting understanding, the Code as set out underneath, is to produce results from the date, when endorsed by the Board in its gathering 1. Appropriateness: The Code is appropriate to all the individuals from the Board of Directors, Senior Management, Officers and workers of the Company. Senior Management will incorporate all officials holding the places of Director (Non-Board Member/s), Sr. Chief, Managers, Asst. Administrators and all leader of the offices barring Board of Directors. Such work force will hereinafter be treated as individuals from its center supervisory group. 2. Steadiness: The Directors, senior administration, officials and representatives are to practice due perseverance in taking care of their individual obligations and commitments to the greatest advantage of the Company. 3. Irreconcilable situations: The Directors, senior administration, officials and workers ought to be scrupulousâ in staying away from irreconcilable situations with the Company. On the off chance that there is probably going to be an irreconcilable situation, he/she should make complete honesty all things considered and conditions thereof to the Board of chiefs or any Committee/official named for this reason by the Board and an earlier composed endorsement ought to be gotten. A contention circumstance can emerge: a. At the point when a representative, official, ranking director or Director makes a move or has interests that may make it hard to play out their work equitably and viably, b. The receipt of inappropriate individual advantages by an individual from their family because of ones situation in the Company, c. Any outside business action that reduces a people capacity to dedicate suitable time and thoughtfulness regarding their duties with the Company, d. The receipt of non-ostensible endowments or over the top diversion from any individual/organization with which the Company has present or planned professional interactions, e. Any huge proprietorship enthusiasm for any provider, client, improvement accomplice or contender of the Company, f. Any counseling or work relationship with any provider, client, business partner or contender of the Company. 4. Straightforwardness: The Directors and the Senior Management are to guarantee that their activity/s in the lead of business are straightforward, aside from where the privacy of the business requires something else. Such straightforwardness will be brought through suitable approaches, techniques, and keeping up supporting and legitimate records. 5. Reasonable DEALING: Every executive, individual from center supervisory group, official, and worker should manage clients, providers, contenders, and representatives of gathering organizations. They ought not exploit anybody through control, camouflage, maltreatment of classified, restrictive or prized formula data, deception of material realities, or some other out of line managing rehearses. 6. Fair AND ETHICAL CONDUCT: The Directors, senior administration, officials and representatives will act as per the best expectations of individual and expert uprightness, trustworthiness and moral lead on Companys premises andâ offsite as well as at organization supported business, get-togethers just as any spots. They will act and lead liberated from extortion and trickiness. Their lead will adjust to the best-acknowledged proficient gauges of direct. 7. CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES: Chiefs, senior administration, officials and representatives owe an obligation to the Company to propel its genuine advantages whenever the chance to do so emerges. Executives, senior administration, officials, and representatives are explicitly disallowed from: a. Thinking about for themselves literally, openings that are found using Companys property, data, or position, b. Contending straightforwardly with the matter of the Company or with any business that the Company is thinking about. Utilizing Companys property, data, or position for individual increase. In the event that the Company has at last chosen not to seek after an open door that identifies with the Companys business movement, he/she may seek after such action simply in the wake of uncovering the equivalent to the Board of chiefs or the selected individual/council. 8. BUSINESS INTEGRITY: The Directors and the Senior Management are to guarantee that the Company completes its business according to acknowledged acts of business trustworthiness, moral gauges, reasonable play and lead, truly, truly and as a reasonable contender. 9. WORK PLACE: The Directors and the Senior Management are to guarantee that there is sexual orientation agreeable work place, equivalent open doors are given to people, and there exists great business rehearses. 1 0. Nature OF PRODUCTS/SERVICES: The Directors and the Senior Management are to attempt that the items/administrations of the Company fulfill the acknowledged guidelines of value including that of ISO 9001 and some other norm/s, and furthermore the details of the legitimate specialists/laws so consumer loyalty is guaranteed. Additionally costs are kept sensible. 11. Insurance AND PROPER USE OF COMPANYS ASSETS: The Directors and the Senior Management are to guarantee to secure Companys resources and property and the equivalent ought to be utilized distinctly for authentic businessâ purposes. 12. Privacy: The Directors, Senior Management, Officers and Employees will keep up the privacy of secret data of the Company or that of any client, provider or business partner of the Company to which Company has an obligation to look after classification, aside from when exposure is approved or legitimately ordered. The Confidential data incorporates all non-open data (counting private, restrictive, and other) that may be useful to contenders or hurtful to the Company or its partners. The utilization of secret data for his/her own bit of leeway or benefit is additionally restricted. 13. Consistence WITH LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS: T he Directors, senior administration, officials and representatives will consent to every pertinent law, rules, and guidelines. Exchanges, legitimately or by implication, including protections of the Company ought not be embraced without pre-leeway from the Companys consistence official/Company Secretary. Any Director, individual from center supervisory group, official or worker who is new or questionable about the lawful standards including Company business led by him/her ought to counsel the lawful division of the Company before making any move that may imperil the Company or that person. 14. RELATIONSHIP WITH CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS: The Directors and the Senior Management are to attempt that their dealings with the clients are given due significance, esteem is made and relationship of trust is assembled. In managing providers it ought to be the undertaking that provisions depend on need, quality, administration, cost, and fitting terms and conditions. 15. Investors: The Directors and the Senior Management are to guarantee that the privileges of investors are met according to law and great corporate practices, and all endeavors are made to offer best types of assistance to them. 16. Network ACTIVITIES: The Directors and the Senior Management are to try that the Company be a confided in corporate resident and, as a vital piece of the Society, satisfies its obligations and obligations to the social orders and networks wherein itâ operates. 17. CODE OF ETHICS FOR CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER: Trustworthiness, honesty and sound judgment of the senior budgetary officials is basic for the achievement and notoriety of Action Construction Equipment Limited. The expert and moral lead of the senior budgetary officials is fundamental to the correct working of the Company. The senior money officials just as Directors of the Company will be limited by the accompanying code of morals: 1. Act with trustworthiness and respectability, including the moral treatment of real or obvious irreconcilable situations between close to home, monetary and proficient connections, 2. Make full, reasonable, exact, convenient, and justifiable revelation in reports and archives that the Company records with, or submits or makes intermittently, to the investors, government specialists, and to people in general, 3. Consent to administrative laws, rules, notices and guidelines relevant to the Companys business, 4. Unveil to the Board or any council/official assigned by the Board for this reason, any material exchange or relationship that sensibly could be relied upon to offer ascent to any infringement of the code including genuine or clear clashes with the interests of the organization, 5. Advance brief revealing of infringement of the Code of Ethics to the Board of Dir

Monday, August 10, 2020

New Student Photo Series 2011 Post #10 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

New Student Photo Series 2011 â€" Post #10 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The new student photo series continues again today.   If you have sent photos, thank you and we will work on posting.   If   you have yet to send photos see this entry for details. Ramón Peña-Franco (Incoming MPA) The first picture was taken during a trip to southern Mexico in the spring of 2009, near the border with Guatemala and Belize.     This is the symbol and a small group of supporters of   the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN), a revolutionary leftist movement based in Chiapas, the southernmost State of Mexico. Since 1994, the group has been in a declared war against the Mexican state, though this war has lost strength through the years. Their social base is mostly rural indigenous people, like the ones shown in this photo. I built a company along with some American businessmen that invests in agricultural projects across US-Mexico border to develop organic production and other agroindustrial activities. This photo was taken during a business trip to a Northern State in Mexico in the summer of 2010. One of our workers is driving a tractor and putting a plastic on the land where other workers would start the planting process afterwards. In the summer of 2009 I made a trip along the Pacific coast of Michoacán, a Western State of Mexico, and I found several wild beaches that are visited by a very small group of people. I was amazed by the   beauty of the place and felt fortunate to enjoy such a wonderful scenery before it is filled with hotels and massive tourism projects.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Explanation of Sociological Imagination - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1191 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Sociological Imagination Essay Did you like this example? Sociological imagination concept paper TyJenae Cole SOC 2013030 My Explanation of Sociological Imagination In 1959 Sociological imagination, the relationship between individual experiences and larger social influences, was developed by C. Wright Mills. It emphasizes an interconnection between personal issues and broader issues in history of society. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Explanation of Sociological Imagination" essay for you Create order According to The Promise, by C. Wright Mills, the life of an individual is shaped by history and society itself. He explains how people should pay attention to social structures and not just the basics. He uses an example of how men believe their lives are a trap because they are only focused on the specifics of their lives (jobs, family, household etc). He continues on stating that underlying the sense of being trapped are seemingly impersonal in the very structure of continent-wide societies, which implies that their issue isnt personal. If we all see thing as a group we would all be less stressed. The feeling of not being alone is enough to satisfy our nerves. My personal definition of is paying attention to broader social structures being connected to personal issues.We all need to consider the big picture when facing obstacles in life. It may not be all our fault. We can relive the weight that is on our shoulders and relax. Structural issues are not our fault it is laws and just the way things are set up. Some of those issues can also influence our decision making process. There are multiple things that influence our decision making. Age can affect our decision process. For example, if you ask a 4 year old if they want a candy or one hundred dollars, they will most likely take the cookie because they normally dont understand the value of money. Speaking of money, a persons socioeconomic status can affect decision making. Not making enough money can restrict a persons options. According to the American psychological Association, having a low socioeconomic status can increase negative emotions which can affect our decision making. They give an example of a person being anxious or depressed, which is linked to poverty, they value smaller, short term rewards oppose to long term rewards. Poverty is also interconnected with narrowing a persons focus. They are more focused on money and food on the table which leaves less thinking for other things. This can also affect the amount of education one has. Many teenagers have to dropout of school and work to help pay rent and bills for the house. Their opportunities in life are now limited because they dont even have a high school diploma. Another influence on our decision making is our religion or beliefs. Many religions have a list of dos and donts. For example, muslim women wear hijab so that a man can know her mind and not her body. They dont have a choice in what to wear outside the house because of what they believe in. On another note, muslim women also are rarely employed/ rarely work outside of home. They also dont go to college. This can limit their opportunities in life as well. Their possibility to become a lawyer or a doctor is rare because they dont have the credibility since the stay at home and didnt go to college. Their biographies fit into larger social structures. Our biographies fit into broader social structures because they are interconnected. Accordings to C. Wright Mills sociological imagination, you are never truly alone in the issues/ obstacles you face. Your private issues may also be a public issue. The example often given is if you have trouble finding a job, it can be part of a more public issue. If the issue affects a whole group it may be a public issue. There is a problem with the work system and it is beyond your control. Another example is divorce. The divorce rates stay constant annually. There are apart of a group in society. They all face similar problems such as, infidelity, money, lack of communication and more. There is always a similar amount of couples that go through similar situations. Their personal issues fit into a social structure. In some way we are all connected to a group that go through similar trials and tribulations.We all fit into a social structure, including me. My personal biography has shaped me into the person I am today. I grew up in a house of seven people with only four rooms. We were all really close and had strong bonds. That made me more open to people. I also grew up in a low income household. That affected the way I think of school. I use to think college isnt for me and that I would just graduate and get a job. Eventually, teachers/ counselors informed me of the importance of college and my perception then changed. I began researching and reading up on college and came to the conclusion that I would go to college and major in something im really interested in and pursue a career that I would love while also making good money. Growing up in a low income household showed me that I actually never want to go through that again which lead me to going to a community college for two year sand then transferring to a university eventually. In the story, Sams decision to drop out, as a private issue, was because of him staying out late to avoid conflict at home. His decision to stay out late resulted in him being late to class and eventually not going to class at all.Growing up in a poor neighborhood can cause stress, adhd and other negative impacts on children. On a structural level, sams dropout was due to him growing up in a neighborhood where 80% of the residents were below poverty line. His parents fighting is also a structural issue. Low socioeconomic status leads to stress and the father was under a lot of stress that wasnt a personal issue. He was limited to man resources. This is something that was way beyond his control. The education system was also a structural issue. They had inexperienced teachers, who were also facing structural issues. Children rarely had textbooks and were not taught history and social studies. These are all structural issues that Samuel and his family faced. Sam resorting to crime, as a private trouble, would be him deciding to commit crimes. He could have done other productive things. If he was one of the only people to commit crimes in his community that makes it a personal issue. As a structural issue Sam and the majority of the kids in the neighborhood turn to crimes due to poverty. It isnt just Samuel that is affected. Since the neighborhood is poor there are no places for children to go play or have fun. Their parents dont make enough to buy them food or nice clothes so they decide to steal.This is a structural issue because a group is affected by the way their lives are set up and they have little or no control over the things that occur. They are a group in society that is affected by the social structure.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Hunting Ground, Directed By Kirby Dick - 1557 Words

I am writing to you today out of concern for many students, specifically female Penn Staters. Sexual assault is something that is frequently occurs at every university, especially this one. â€Å"At Penn State’s campus alone, since the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, almost 30 sexual assaults have been reported to local and off-campus police departments† (Thomas par. 2). Penn State University has a rich history that dates all the way back to 1855, but that history has since been marred by the night life here in State College. Sexual assault is an extremely hot topic right now, especially after the new release of the featured film of 2015, â€Å"The Hunting Ground† directed by Kirby Dick. This film opened the eyes of the public to sexual assaults on college campuses and how frequent they really are. Dr. Barron, the number of sexual assaults at Penn State needs to decrease drastically and in order to do that we need to educate the students as much as possib le, increase the number of on campus police officers, enhance the punishment for sexual assault crimes, and work closely with the town police as well. â€Å"The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network reports that college-aged women are four times more likely than any other age group to face sexual assault† (Lam par. 3). Sexual assault unfortunately occurs at every university. This letter is not going to solve the issue completely and make Penn State a 100% safe campus where sexual assault never occurs. This letter is intendedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Hunting Ground 1281 Words   |  6 PagesWS 135 Dr. Slagter Outside Event 1 4/24/15 The Hunting Ground For my outside event I chose to attend the screening of â€Å"The Hunting Ground† which was directed by Kirby Dick, who also directed the film, â€Å"The Invisible War†. In addition to the special screening of this film, Kirby Dick made a special appearance for a post-film discussion. The event began at 5:30P.M. and went on till about 7:30P.M. or so which began with a rocky start as Kirby Dick was scheduled to arrive in time to introduce the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Burns Free Essays

The skin, an important organ that acts as a natural cover and holds our many underlying components together, important in multiple functions, yet it can be so easily marred. Burns, one of the reasons for skin damage, are the destruction of the different layers within the skin by exposure to excessive heat; heat that is greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or by friction, electricity or chemical substances. The heat from the exposure cannot be distributed fast enough in the rest of the body, resulting in a breakdown of tissues exposed to heat. We will write a custom essay sample on Burns or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike other tissue damages, burns can cover a wider range of surface area. The causes may come from a variety of events such as boiling liquid, exposure to harmful chemicals, or electrical shock. Signs that indicate a burn may be swelling, redness of the area of damage, and pain. Burns are categorized by degree based on the duration, size and severity of injury; the least severe being first degree burns, second degree burns and the worst, third degree burns. Not only are there the regular, common burns that would first come to mind, but there are also chemical burns and electrical burns. Chemical burns occur when the skin is exposed to a corrosive substance that consists of either a strong base or acid. Electrical burns are cause by contact with electric conducting objects that are live. Types of treatment are determined by the severity and also determine the place to which the person should receive the treatment. Regeneration of the damaged tissue will differ accordingly to the type of burn. First degree burn, it refers to the superficial damage to the skin and causes only local inflammation. The inflammation consists of pain, a small amount of swelling, dryness and redness. Peeling, of the area affected, may be seen. This type of burn will only have an effect on the epidermis. Examples of first degree burns include sunburns, flash burns or any other burn that derives from a brief exposure to severe heat. Treatment for this type of burn depends on the location, cause, extent of the burn and may include cold compresses, skin soothing ointments or pain relieving aspirin. The skin usually heals within a time span of a few days without permanent tissue damage. Second degree burns affect the epidermis and the superficial dermis layer of the skin. The burn is often characterized by moist blisters, skin lesions, and bits of shredded epidermis. Also, the injury is often displayed as white. The area of damage is prone to high risks of infection and victim experiences intense pain around the area. In a lot of cases, second degree burns are the consequences of exposure to flames, scald inducing events and contact with chemicals, electricity or hot objects. The treatments for second degree burns depend of the same characteristic of first degree burns. Second degree burns include the addition of extra care to prevent infections. The skin heals within about 3 weeks and 6 weeks if the wound is superficial or deep, as the skin re-epithelializes. At the end of healing, there is minimal scarring to no scarring at all although discoloration of the area may be present. A third degree burn, also referred to as a full thickness burn, destroys the epidermis, the entire dermis beneath it, injures the subcutaneous tissue, and may spread to the muscles. Accessory structures are destroyed. The area of the wound may appear white and leathery due to the damages done to the blood vessels and nerves. The affected skin may also appear black, yellow, or even brown and is painless due to the impairment of vessels and nerves. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and produces the appearance of being charred. Some of the causes of third degree burns may include scalding liquids, flames, chemical substances, over-exposure to excess heat or even electricity. If not taken into serious account with medical attention, the damaged skin will heal poorly and slowly. Since the epidermis and hair follicles are eliminated, new skin will not form. Treatments for these burns consist of procedures such as attentive care and cleaning, skin grafting, anti-biotic mediation and as such. The smaller areas will take fewer months to heal than the larger areas since those require grafting, which is the replacement of the previous damaged skin with transplant skin through surgery. ttp://www. webmd. com/skin-problems-and-treatments/third-degree-burn-full-thickness-burn http://www. medicinenet. com/burns/page2. htm http://faculty. stcc. edu/AandP/AP/AP1pages/Units1to4/skin/repairof. htm http://www. urmc. rochester. edu/encyclopedia/content. aspx? ContentTypeID=90ContentID=P01760 http://www. chw. org/display/PPF/DocID/21911/router. asp http://www. metrohealth. org/body. cfm? id=1014oTopID=1007 http://www. rayur. com/skin-burn-anatomy-definition-causes-symptoms- and-treatment. html How to cite Burns, Papers Burns Free Essays The skin, an important organ that acts as a natural cover and holds our many underlying components together, important in multiple functions, yet it can be so easily marred. Burns, one of the reasons for skin damage, are the destruction of the different layers within the skin by exposure to excessive heat; heat that is greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or by friction, electricity or chemical substances. The heat from the exposure cannot be distributed fast enough in the rest of the body, resulting in a breakdown of tissues exposed to heat. We will write a custom essay sample on Burns or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike other tissue damages, burns can cover a wider range of surface area. The causes may come from a variety of events such as boiling liquid, exposure to harmful chemicals, or electrical shock. Signs that indicate a burn may be swelling, redness of the area of damage, and pain. Burns are categorized by degree based on the duration, size and severity of injury; the least severe being first degree burns, second degree burns and the worst, third degree burns. Not only are there the regular, common burns that would first come to mind, but there are also chemical burns and electrical burns. Chemical burns occur when the skin is exposed to a corrosive substance that consists of either a strong base or acid. Electrical burns are cause by contact with electric conducting objects that are live. Types of treatment are determined by the severity and also determine the place to which the person should receive the treatment. Regeneration of the damaged tissue will differ accordingly to the type of burn. First degree burn, it refers to the superficial damage to the skin and causes only local inflammation. The inflammation consists of pain, a small amount of swelling, dryness and redness. Peeling, of the area affected, may be seen. This type of burn will only have an effect on the epidermis. Examples of first degree burns include sunburns, flash burns or any other burn that derives from a brief exposure to severe heat. Treatment for this type of burn depends on the location, cause, extent of the burn and may include cold compresses, skin soothing ointments or pain relieving aspirin. The skin usually heals within a time span of a few days without permanent tissue damage. Second degree burns affect the epidermis and the superficial dermis layer of the skin. The burn is often characterized by moist blisters, skin lesions, and bits of shredded epidermis. Also, the injury is often displayed as white. The area of damage is prone to high risks of infection and victim experiences intense pain around the area. In a lot of cases, second degree burns are the consequences of exposure to flames, scald inducing events and contact with chemicals, electricity or hot objects. The treatments for second degree burns depend of the same characteristic of first degree burns. Second degree burns include the addition of extra care to prevent infections. The skin heals within about 3 weeks and 6 weeks if the wound is superficial or deep, as the skin re-epithelializes. At the end of healing, there is minimal scarring to no scarring at all although discoloration of the area may be present. A third degree burn, also referred to as a full thickness burn, destroys the epidermis, the entire dermis beneath it, injures the subcutaneous tissue, and may spread to the muscles. Accessory structures are destroyed. The area of the wound may appear white and leathery due to the damages done to the blood vessels and nerves. The affected skin may also appear black, yellow, or even brown and is painless due to the impairment of vessels and nerves. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and produces the appearance of being charred. Some of the causes of third degree burns may include scalding liquids, flames, chemical substances, over-exposure to excess heat or even electricity. If not taken into serious account with medical attention, the damaged skin will heal poorly and slowly. Since the epidermis and hair follicles are eliminated, new skin will not form. Treatments for these burns consist of procedures such as attentive care and cleaning, skin grafting, anti-biotic mediation and as such. The smaller areas will take fewer months to heal than the larger areas since those require grafting, which is the replacement of the previous damaged skin with transplant skin through surgery. ttp://www. webmd. com/skin-problems-and-treatments/third-degree-burn-full-thickness-burn http://www. medicinenet. com/burns/page2. htm http://faculty. stcc. edu/AandP/AP/AP1pages/Units1to4/skin/repairof. htm http://www. urmc. rochester. edu/encyclopedia/content. aspx? ContentTypeID=90ContentID=P01760 http://www. chw. org/display/PPF/DocID/21911/router. asp http://www. metrohealth. org/body. cfm? id=1014oTopID=1007 http://www. rayur. com/skin-burn-anatomy-definition-causes-symptoms- and-treatment. html How to cite Burns, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Development of the Retail Industry Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Development of the Retail Industry. Answer: Development of the retail industry in the past two decades This is a report, which depicts the development of the retail industry in the past two decades. The market environment in the retail industry has changed drastically and new players have emerged in to the market. The competition in the market has become intense due to this very reason and detailed information is given in the paragraph below. Australian retail industry has changed in the past 20 years, the number of competitors back then were minimal and the major shareholders were Woolworths and Wesfarmers who have been in Australian retail industry for a long time. However, the scenario started changing in the early 2000s when companies like ALDI came in to market and changed the game (Kasai Chauke, 2017). Woolworths was the market leader at that time and had the majority of the market share. However, ADLI offered products at a cheaper rate and the product quality was similar to that of Woolworths and they started their aggressive expansion in the market. The retail market in Australia is currently booming and the competition has become fierce. Even though Woolworths is still the market leader but they have a lost a significant customer base in the past decade (OMahony Lobo, 2017). Therefore, it can be concluded that there are lot of market opportunities in the current retail market and the company, which capitalize on it, will gain competitive advantage. Thus, it can be concluded that Woolworth has lost its competitive advantage in the market and ALDIs aggressive expansion strategy is causing trouble for Woolworth. The company needs to follow similar strategies if they want to maintain themselves as the market leader. References Kasai, C., Chauke, X. D. (2017). Investigating Customer Perceptions of Loyalty Cards and their Influence on Purchasing Behaviour in Major Retail Stores.Journal of Marketing and HR,5(1), 302-324. OMahony, B., Lobo, A. (2017). The organic industry in Australia: Current and future trends.Land Use Policy,66, 331-339.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Don’t Panic: Best Motivators For Study

No matter what subject youre studying, or if youre currently at college or university, the chances are youve got work to do over the Christmas period. This could be a large piece of coursework, essay writing or revision for exams in the New Year. Whatever youre working on, motivating yourself to study can be a real challenge over Christmas! The festive season gives the chance for people to relax and switch-off. Its a time to reflect and look back over the previous year, as well as celebrate with friends and family. The last thing you want to do is force yourself to study! Unfortunately, deadlines still need to be met and, when term starts again in January, therell be more work coming your way! So, use Christmas as a chance to get ahead. If youre clever about your time during the holidays, youll be amazed at how much you can achieve and still have time to enjoy those mince pies! Establish a Structure For Studying When youre at uni or college, your days are organised by a timetable. This helps you to understand what you need to do and by when. Although you may hate the idea of living by a timetable over the Christmas holidays, it can really make you days easier. Start by prioritising your workload which deadline is coming up first or which exam has the most content for you to learn? From there, you can download a timetable template and start to block out your days. Try keeping your blocks of working time consistent. For example, start each day at the same time and work for 4 hours in the morning if you know you work better at that time of day. Take a decent break for lunch to stay fuelled and then do another 3 hours of work in the afternoon. You can cover multiple subjects or topics during those blocks of time and also schedule in smaller, more regular breaks, to help your brain stay on top of its studying-game! Get Out And About If youre finding youre increasingly having to force yourself to study, its time for a bit of a change. Studying inside the same four walls can quickly get dull! This, in turn, makes it harder for you to stay focused and avoid your usual distractions. Try taking your work to a different location. This could be a coffee shop, local library or even someone elses house! By changing location, you are triggering an association in your brain that youre now going somewhere to study. Instead of just rolling out of bed and sitting at your desk in your bedroom, make the effort to reset yourself and associate your work with a few different locations. This leaves your room for chill out and sleeping only! Get Control Over Your Distractions We all get distracted, one way or another. Its only natural to try and avoid doing the things you dont want to do. The key to handling this is to get control over your distractions. Although motivating yourself to study can be difficult when youd much rather let YouTube videos eat into the hours of your day, you are in control of your actions. Take control and remove the things you know cause distractions. Actively doing something to help yourself can be very empowering! Easy Tips: 1.Leave your phone in a different room and on silent. You can go and check it when you take one of your short breaks, but you can also do without it for a couple of hours. 2.Dont study in a room with a TV. The temptation to turn it on as background noise can be hard to stem. 3.Turn off the Internet. This may not always be an option, depending on whether your need access for research. However, if youre typing up coursework or notes then you dont need to be connected. This will prevent you from signing into Netflix and spending the next 6 hours binge-watching the latest series! Understand What Motivates You One of the most effective ways to motivate yourself to study is to understand why you want to do well in the first place. These motivating factors are what drive you to achieve and succeed. It doesnt matter what motivates you to do your best. Reasons can range from career-driven desires, to self-improvement and growth to wanting to provide for the best future you can have. Regardless of what motivates you, make sure you understand it and remind yourself of it especially when things get really tough! Be positive about having to study over the holiday period. Having this kind of attitude will help you to stay motivated throughout the work you have to do and will also help you enjoy your time off too!

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Use of Ambiguity in The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

The Use of Ambiguity in The Turn of the Screw by Henry James â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† is a horror story in all the aspects. Henry James, its author, employs various literary styles and methods to achieve the desired chilling and devilish effect. An outstanding feature in the story is the use of ambiguity. The literary style is applied to develop various themes in the narrative. It is also used to develop the characters. The current paper explores the use of ambiguity in the story.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Use of Ambiguity in â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† by Henry James specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author analyses the effects of this stylistic device on the reader. In addition, the impacts of the style on the general flow of the narrative are also analyzed. In â€Å"The Turn of the Screw†, Henry James uses ambiguity to make the events in the story intriguing. The style is especially evident in the analysis of the governess, on e of the main characters in the book. â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† is a narrative about a governess who is tasked with the responsibility of looking after two orphans. However, she wants nothing to do with these kids. Her reaction elicits sympathy given that the governess who used to look after the two children has died. The housekeeper of Alby, Mrs. Grose, is kind to the governess and children, Miles and Flora, who appear to be charming kids. Miles is expelled from school after the administration wrote to the family informing of the decision to terminate his presence in the institution (James 4). A few weeks after their arrival, the governess starts noting some extraordinary happenings. She starts to see ghosts of previous servants of the estate. For example, she sees the ghosts of a dead servant named Quint and his lover. She also sees the ghost of another female servant, who is also dead. The governess believes that the apparitions corrupt the minors. In addition, she feel s that they (the ghosts) want them to be dead. However, the children maintain that they cannot see the alleged ghosts. For example, the apparition of the former caretaker appears to the new nanny and the little girl. However, the girl insists that she cannot see it. Consequently, the girl falls sick. As a result, the nanny has to get her out of the house. A battle ensues between the governess and the ghost of Quint. Each of them wants to keep Miles. The governess thinks that she has overcome the phantoms. However, this appears to be a false sense of hope given because Miles dies in her arms (James 5).Advertising Looking for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† is intricately written in a manner that leaves the reader in awe, if not lost. The events in the story are characterized by twists and turns. Apart from achieving the horror and evil objectiv e of the author, the turns and twists arouse confusion. According to Hill, the tale is maddeningly indirect (53). James purports clarity in the tale. However, the story appears to have a sole objective of losing and confusing the reader even more. The events in the story are very succinct in their ambiguity. Consequently, the themes of doubt and vision are brought out through these events. A case in point is the arrival of the governess in the Bly household. On the first night, the governess claims that she can hear the whimpers of a child. She recounts that â€Å"there had been a moment when I believed I recognized, faint and far, the cry of a child† (James 14). The event is not confirmed anywhere else in the story. Perhaps, the statement is meant to arouse the idea of looming evil in the Bly household. At this juncture, the reader is confused given that Flora is spending the night with Mrs. Grose. The governess is a stranger to her at this point. As such, Flora could be the child who was whimpering, although the event is left unclear. The governess also claims that she can hear light footsteps on the passage before her door (James 14). The event, although questionable, effectively sets the stage for further ambiguity in the story. More vagueness is brought out through the arrival of a letter from Miles’ school. It is obvious that the uncle has seen it. However, he insists that the governess should read it and deal with the issue. The letter does not disclose the actual reason for Miles’ expulsion. The only reason given is that the school cannot take him anymore. The reasons behind the uncle’s disassociation from all the matters to do with the children are also unclear. Even though he receives the letter first, he does not even bother to open it. In addition, he reasserts his initial directive of not to be bothered. Perhaps, this is an acknowledgement of either supernatural acts in relation to the kids or a broken and disturbed fam ily. James leaves the reader guessing so that they could come to their own conclusions based on how they perceive the setting and the characters in the story. Henry James tells the story of Bly bit by bit. However, â€Å"the militant ambiguity with which the characters discuss the happenings leaves readers with a lot of questions† (Dill 65). An example is the apparitions of Quint and Miss Jessel.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Use of Ambiguity in â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† by Henry James specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The reader is left wondering how these figures corrupt Flora and Miles. In addition, it is not clear what Mrs. Gross saw Quint or Miss Jessel do to the children. The beginning of the story sets the dichotomy of what is really happening at Bly. It also sets the pace for the unknown or what the governess refers to as â€Å"it all† (James 59). Shortly after arriving in the Bly household, the governess encounters, or believes that she sees, the apparitions of two former servants who are dead. The scenario brings to the fore the theme of vision in the story. Whether the governess actually saw the ghosts or not remains ambiguous throughout the story. The reader is reminded of the uncle’s directive that she â€Å"should never trouble him - but never, never: neither appeal nor complain nor write about anything† (James 9). Whether the uncle was aware or unaware of the occurrences at Bly is unclear. However, one is led to believe so since he was very categorical while demanding not to be consulted on any matter. The governess is given absolute authority over the household. Regarding the former dead servants, the governess deduces what she knows about them from Mrs. Grose. She is informed that Peter Quint was a manservant in charge of the house, while Miss Jessel was the former governess. According to Mrs. Grose, Miss Jessel and Quint we re â€Å"infamous† (James 37). The infamy about the two is not made clear. All that is said is that Quint did what he wished had been â€Å"too free with everyone† (James 37), including with the children. How he was free with every person is not very clear. All Henry James says is that the male servant had an intimate engagement with Jessel. The death of the two servants is also surrounded by ambiguity. It is not a coincidence that both of them are dead. Henry James does not even link the two deaths to the Bly household in any way. However, one is convinced that their presence in the family certainly contributed to their demise, although the reasons behind the event are not clear. It is apparent that the death of Quint is attributed to an injury on the head after a fall. However, the demise of Miss Jessel is mysterious. The cause of her death is not made clear, except that she left for holiday and never got back. Mrs. Grose confesses that she received the news of Miss Jessel’s fate from the children’s uncle, although she was never told of the exact cause of death (James 22).Advertising Looking for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The ambiguity surrounding her death shrouds the happenings in the Bly household in mystery. The fact that the children’s uncle never revealed the cause of her demise is also intriguing. In relation to the theme of vision, â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† leaves the reader with numerous unresolved issues and events. For instance, Dill (64) describes the story as one about epistemology. The narrative is about what one sees or does not see. Literally and figuratively, the story revolves around what can and cannot be seen, especially in case of the governess. From the beginning to the end of the narrative, the reader is uncertain whether the sightings are for real or not. The apparitions may be a figment of the governess’s creative imagination. According to Reed (413), there are two schools of thought in relation to visions experienced by the governess, leading to the development of the story. One school of thought proposes that the woman saw the ghosts. The dead servan ts actually returned in preternatural evil flair to haunt the children. On the other hand, the apparitions may have been imaginary conjectures of the woman’s mind. Reed (413) proposes that the governess’s sexually frustrated mind may have generated the ghosts. Another cause of these visions may have been the corrupt atmosphere surrounding the innocent children. In addition to her feminine intuitions, the governess exhibits nothing substantial upon which her allegations of seeing the apparitions can be based. What she visualizes is beyond perception. The reader is left grappling with the ambiguity of her sanity. Her cognitions are visible only to her. It is not clear if Mrs. Grose trully sees the apparitions herself (James 32). It is the governess who beholds the ghosts most of the time. For instance, in her first encounter with an apparition in the Bly household, she confesses, I stopped short on emerging from one of the plantations and coming into view of the house (à ¢â‚¬ ¦) He did stand there!- but high up, beyond the lawn and at the very top of the tower to which, on that first morning, little Flora had conducted me (James 27). The governess cannot attest with confidence to whether what she sees is actually real or a product of her imagination. Her visions are enveloped with ambiguity, leaving the readers to decide on their what is true. As Reed argues, the young governess’s story may be a neurotic case resulting from sexual repression. As such, the sightings may be part of her hallucinations (Reed 414). She tends to attribute sinister significance to trivial events. The predisposition may add validity to the argument that she is insane. For instance, the expulsion of Miles from school is an event she colors with some sinister significance in spite of the fact that there is no evidence to support this. More ambiguity in relation to the governess’s vision arises following her description of Quint. It is obvious that she has not se en Quint before or heard about him. However, when she describes the ghost to Mrs. Grose, it emerges that he is the deceased servant. As such, in a way, Henry James discredits the notion that the governess is mentally unstable or that the apparitions are in her imagination. The description she gives of Quint proves the fact that she has actually seen someone. The additional description of Miss Jessel further strengthens the conviction that the apparitions are real, adding more to the ambiguity wrought in the story. Additional ambiguity in the story arises from the behavior of the children towards the governess and their stance that they have not seen the dead servants’ ghosts. The governess concludes that the children have been exposed to the evil of the previous servants, but they seem to be conspiring with the demons. In addition, the kids seem to know more than the governess and Mrs. Grose. What is not clear, however, is why they are denying seeing the ghosts. Vagueness in the story continues in regard to the relationship between the apparitions and the children. The governess is convinced that the ghosts want to get to the children. However, it is not made apparent why. In spite of this, Mrs. Grose informs that Miss Jessel and Quint were infamous, adding that â€Å"It was Quint’s own fancy. To play with him, I mean - to spoil him† (James 44). By saying that he was â€Å"playing with† and â€Å"spoiling him†, perhaps, the author meant Quint molested the boy sexually (James 44). However, it is unclear if that is the reason why the ghosts wanted the children. In another instance, Mrs. Grose informs that the male servant was an easy going character. He also had a sexual relationship with Miss Jessel. In spite of the conviction that the apparitions had a relationship with the children. In addition to being infamous, the author does not disclose their actual intentions. The reader is left with the task of imagining what the gho sts intended to do with the children though it is disclosed that the kids had known about their existence long before the governess found out. According to Rust (444), Henry James makes the story perfectly vague by relating ambiguity to his purpose in the narrative. Throughout the narration, the story revolves around opposites. Ambiguity is further brought out in the story when one takes into consideration the concept of threshold as elaborated by Rust. Behind the scenes, the Bly household is portrayed as hideous. However, the children are depicted as both angels and devils. On the other hand, the governess is either mad or sane. For instance, according to the governess, Flora is â€Å"†¦ not alone, and at such times she’s not a child: she’s an old, old woman† (James 115). The differences between these depictions are not made apparent in the story. The task of come up with conclusions is left to the reader. Davidson (462) postulates that ambiguity in the st ory is suggested through windows that are portrayed as glasses. The governess sees Quint through these windows. However, the structures can serve another purpose. They can be regarded as mirrors through which she sees herself. As such, James inculcates further ambiguity into the story by merging opposites of reality and unrealism. The line between reality and conjectures is distorted since a clear distinction is difficult to establish. Flora insists that she did not see the ghost. The denial is surrounded by ambiguity. After she is questioned relentlessly by the lake side, the girl argues, I don’t know what you mean. I see nobody. I see nothing. I never have. I think you’re cruel. I don’t like you! Then, after this deliverance, which might have been that of a vulgarly pert little girl in the street, she hugged Mrs. Grose more closely and buried in her skirts the dreadful little face. In this position she produced an almost furious wail. Take me away, take me awa y - oh, take me away from her! (James 122). Whether the girl really saw Miss Jessel’s apparition or not remains unclear. What is clear is that she eventually develops immense hatred towards the governess. The reason for this change is not revealed in the story. Flora requests to be taken away from the governess, leaving the reader wondering as to why she reacted the way she did. Henry James closes â€Å"The Turn of the Screw† with more ambiguity. In the last scene, the apparition of Quint appears to the governess at the window of the room she and Miles have retreated to. The governess insists when talking to Miles that Quint is there. The boy falls after realizing that the ghost is there. The governess catches him in his fall with â€Å"passion†. However, she finds that his little heart, dispossessed, had stopped (James 149). The ambiguity surrounding Miles death leaves one wondering if the boy died as a result of fright on seeing Quint. It is possible that the governess caused his death as she squeezed him in her â€Å"passion†. Henry James applies ambiguity extensively throughout the story. The authenticity of the governess’s visions remains unclear. The denial by the children is also shrouded in mystery. The events surrounding Miles death are also ambiguous. As such, the reader is left wondering if the apparitions are real. They could have been the conjectures of the governess. However, in the long run, the author’s choice for ambiguity has a significant effect on the readers. For example, the story continues in the mind of the reader even after they have finished reading it. In spite of the ambiguities, it is clear that the stylistic device adopted by Henry James may be deliberate. For example, the author may have intended to encourage the reader to form their conclusions that should be based on the reader’s perception of the setting, themes, characters, symbols, and other aspects of the narrative. The ambi guity gives the story an intriguing angle, making it a mysterious read. Davidson, Guy. â€Å"‘Almost a Sense of Property’: Henry Jamess The Turn of the Screw, Modernism, and Commodity Culture.† Texas Studies in Literature Language 53.4 (2011): 455-478. Print. Dill, Elizabeth. â€Å"James’s Gothic in The Turn of the Screw.† The Explicator 69.2 (2011): 64-67. Print. Hill, Robert. â€Å"A Counterclockwise Turn in Jamess The Turn of the Screw’.† Twentieth Century Literature 27.1 (1981): 53-71. Print. James, Henry. The Turn of the Screw. 1898. PDF file. 2 May 2014. ibiblio.org/ebooks/James/Turn_Screw.pdf. Reed, Glenn A. â€Å"Another Turn on James ‘The Turn of the Screw’.† American Literature 20.4 (1949): 413-423. Print. Rust, Richard Dilworth. â€Å"Liminality in the Turn of the Screw†. Studies in Short Fiction 25.4 (1988): 441-450. Print.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How long-lasting parental conflict in a marriage can influence Essay

How long-lasting parental conflict in a marriage can influence children while growing up in the home - Essay Example How long-lasting parental conflict in a marriage can influence children while growing up in the home? Child development is a hypothetical growth which depends on parents' sensitive behabiours that necessitates for the growing up of the child. Child development with a concentration upon psychological development seems to deny maturational, i.e., physical, psychological, motor, and neurological. In this research paper argued that child development and psychological processes in children are likely to be highly affected by the long-lasting parental conflict in a marriage. Various levels of analysis (e.g., economic, political, institutional, educational) of the effects of the long-lasting parental conflict in a marriage on adults and children in families. The specific gap addressed in this paper is to further the conceptualization of the psychological, sociological, and familial processes in children that may be affected by the long-lasting parental conflict in a marriage in families. A related goal is to place these conceptualizations in terms of a broader framework for understanding th e complexity of the processes underlying the impact of the conflict. Many parents assume that as long as their voices are children are not raised, their children will remain unaware of the conflict at hand. The general idea known as "child development" originated a generation ago as an interdisciplinary movement, no as a discipline in itself. ... Over the past several decades, a growing body of research has focused on the conflict in the family and how those conflicts affect children. Henry W. Maier, decided that any theory to be included in his book Three Theories of Child Development had to deal with personality development as a continuous and sequential process, starting with child's status as an infant and dealing with each subsequent stage of psychological growth: early childhood, childhood, and adolescence. Much of the more work has been devoted to parent behaviour as the antecedent and to child behabiour as the consequent. While we are nothing the impact of the paternal attitude on the child it well for us to consider the view of the child has of his parents several studies indicate that children have definite ideas about their relationships with their parents. Freudian theory has it that the relationship of the child to his parent of the opposite sex is critical in the development of his personality. Evidently, too, t he strength of the mother or father plays an important part. The study will examine the differential effects of the parents on the child's development. Mother-father relationships have an almost direct bearing on the child. (Hoffman, & Lippitt, 1960). 3. The long-lasting marital conflict's Psychological Hypothesis As the study illustrates, the long-lasting marital conflict can affect children's development. At first, mother entered into the infant's with equal influence, as the mother's temporary substitute or as some one with some nurturing purpose- or as a deterrent to his nurture. As the infant gains trust in his parents, his environment and his way of life, he starts to discover that

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Design and Implementation of the Website Assignment

Design and Implementation of the Website - Assignment Example This ensures that these maxims are wide banded and thus are applicable to a wide range of design criteria2. The audience for this website is expected to span all kinds of age ranges, demographic and socio-economic backgrounds because emergencies could occur anywhere at any point in time. Therefore, there was a consistent need to ensure that the design criteria for the website were pervasive and would fit most audiences well. Lund’s usability maxims are presented below along with the appropriate design incorporation in the website. It must be kept in mind that these criteria are listed in order of decreasing importance according to their mean rating of importance derived from Lund’s work. 1.2.1. Identifying the User This website is intended for audiences looking for information on First Aid in general and more specifically audiences specific to Newcastle University. This indicates that the concerned audience could consist of: any age range between 10 and 65 years of age; any demographic background as there are international students on campus; any forms of disability; people with different levels of computer interaction and knowledge; people with little knowledge of first aid; people in a panicked state. The criteria listed above describe the typical user for the website. Among other concerns, the major concern was the state of panic in which certain users would visit the website. The website is intended as a first-hand reference for first aid in emergency situations so it can be expected that people in emergencies would visit the website for seeking out what to do. Given this overriding constraint, it would make a lot of sense if the website tends to deliver the required content with the least effort required by presenting an... The essay "Design and Implementation of the Website" describes all the necessary steps for creation an information site so that it will deliver useful even lifesaving information in the simplest possible manner. This website is intended for audiences looking for information on First Aid and for audiences specific to Newcastle University. This indicates that the concerned audience could consist of any age range between 10 and 65 years of age; any demographic background as there are international students on campus; any forms of disability; people with different levels of computer interaction and knowledge; people with little knowledge of first aid; people in a panicked state. The criteria listed above describes the typical users of the website. The major concern was the state of panic in which certain users would visit the website. The website is intended as a first-hand reference for first aid in emergency situations so it can be expected that people in emergencies would visit the website for seeking out what to do. Given this overriding constraint, it would make a lot of sense if the website tends to deliver the required content with the least effort required by presenting an intuitive interface that is operable by anyone. The key element here is simplicity of use that offers information just when required through the application of minimal computing expertise. Based on this usability criterion, the website was provided with a fitting logo on top that sticks out prominently to indicate the nature of the website.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Business Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Commerce Essay

The Business Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Commerce Essay Unilever has built its business on understanding and responding to the needs of its consumers globally. Its corporate goal is to add value and quality to the basic aspects of its consumers satisfaction which adds value and srength to the consumers life. Unilever Nigeria Plc, came into life as Lever Brothers (West Africa) Ltd on 11th April, 1923 by Lord Lever Hulme, but the companys antecedents have to be traced back to his existing trading interests in Nigeria and West Africa generally, and to the fact that he had since the 19th century been greatly involved with the soap business in Britain. Unilever Nigeria started with the soap manufacturing company, and is today one of the oldest surviving manufacturing organizations in Nigeria. Their Products: Unilever produces a lot of products, namely; Food brands (e.g., Knorr, Lipton, Blue band, Beverages) Home care brands (e.g., Shampoo, Toothpaste, Soap, Moisturising cream) Personal care brands ( e.g., Lux, Vaseline, Sunsilk, Omo, Pears) Nutrition Health, hygiene and beauty Unilever food solutions Your suggestions Latest brand news The success of this business is as a result of the sound relationship which they have established with the consumers in the local cultures and markets creating products that help them transform in life. In sustaining these successes, they ensured to maintain the highest and sound standards of mutual behavior towards their employees, consumers, customers, communities and operating environment as a whole. Talking about their brands, they produce domestic goods which they know from the onset that people would really need such goods because, it enhances the daily living of people. For this reason, they are committed to meet the everyday needs of people everywhere in Nigeria. In addition, because they are have International experience and support, it enables them to consistently develop brands, which raise the worth of life. In essence, most people in Nigeria always have their products at home. 1.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The PESTLE Analysis is an analytical tool used to evaluate and identify the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors in a given economy that would affect the operation of an organization. According to Kotler (1999) PESTLE Analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position and direction for Operations. This Analysis also allows an Organization to have a competitive advantage over other firms in the industry. Political Factor: This factor is always necessary to be evaluated, in order to know the favorability of the political climate to market growth and development in a particular country, such as the Government Stability, Taxation Policy, and Attitude of the Government towards foreign investment. Economic Factor: This Economic framework is used to measure the state of an economy by considering the GDP, the wage level, interest rate, the disposable income, unemployment rate, business cycle and the economic growth in the country. Socio Cultural Factor: This indicator is used to measure the rate and growth of population, changes in the taste and preferences of consumers, the changes in the lifestyle of consumers and the level of education of the populace which would have a great effect on the demand of the products or services provided by the organization. Technological Factor: This Framework is used to evaluate the level of Government spending on Research and Development institutes and the efforts of government and private sector efforts towards technological advancement. Legal Factor: This is used to know the laws and regulations that exist in the environment an organization is operating such as the employment, health and safety laws. Environmental Factor: This is used to understand the various environmental laws, natural resources available and the prevailing weather condition in the economy. 1.3 ANALYSIS Using Porters models (Kippenberger, 1998; Haberberg and Rieple, 2001), but to examine it in addition to other strategic frameworks of  SWOT  and  PEST analysis. In trying to analyze the strategies, it will be fair to know what Business Strategy is all about. Business strategy to my own understanding is a way in which organisations view the future, the extent to which the business is heading to, the plan, set targets, etc. The basic aim of strategy is to move the business forward, it is not all about making profit alone, but how the business can succeed eventually. In other words, it will establish strategic direction, and implement those strategies, all in an effort to satisfy key stakeholders. Robert and Caldart (2009) view strategy as a way a firm can only hypothesize about the implications of different possible initiatives and learn more about them through interaction with other actors such as competitors, regulators, customers, suppliers, and partners in its competitive landscape. In these situations, managers face the extremely difficult problem in making decisions that demand a long-term perspective, committing the firm in the long-run within a competitive landscape that is unlikely to stand still. We call these decisions strategic decisions. Porter E.M. (1996) Views strategy as being flexible, companies must be flexible to respond rapidly to competitive and market changes aggressively to gain efficiencies and achieve best practice. Strategy to him is total quality management, benchmarking, time-based competition, re-engineering, change management. From this definition, it is believed that, for any business to grow there should be freedom, ability to initiate plans on how to move the business forward. Ellis Williams (1993) expressed that, It indicates the perspectives for business to achieve better advantages, it elaborates tactics for business to face challenges, it points out the trends and competitions around the business. Business consists of two main aspects, namely external factor and internal factor. From the definitions given by these scholars, it entails that, strategy is seen as a means of making business to strive and to achieve a defined goal through vision, hard work, through perseverance that will lead to transformation. 1.4 Application IINTERNAL FACTORS: Internal factors include information and communication as one of the internal control components. The factors are systems used to control financial, reporting and accounting systems in an organisation. Smooth flow of information and communication across and within the organisation is influenced by the nature of the working relationship within the organisation at all levels. The working relationship coordinates organisations activities to achieve specific goal. When effective working relationship exists in an organisation, delegation of responsibilities is achieved. The main internal factors which are considered to uphold the organisation are the managers, employees, capitals, and materials. Managers: Since the inception of Unilever, there were constantly sound and visional managers succeeding the affairs of Unilever and respectively improving the management of Unilever. Employees: Unilever has massive employees who perform specific duties to move the organisation forward. Unilever has the worlds top makers of packaged which has products like shampoo, deodorants, soap, Vaseline, tea, and frozen foods over the world. The company sells its goods in over 150 countries and has returns of approximately $46 billion ( £31,5bn). Unilever controls subsidiaries in at least 90 countries and employs 295,000 (in 2000) people. Unilever is one of the worlds top three firms after Nestle and Kraft and the worlds second largest packaged consumer goods company behind Procter Gamble. Capital: Unilever is one of the oldest surviving manufacturing organisations in Nigeria today. The organisation is well known with its products all over the world, its food brand, home care products, Unilever food solution, personal care brands, nutrition, etc, Unilever is recognised as the worlds most valuable brand. THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT The word external simply means outside that is the activities which takes place outside the business environment. The external environment of any organisation is a large and complex place. (Capon, 2009. P.5) for the sake of this work, we shall take a look at PESTEL analysis of the organisation, which includes Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental, Legal elements. Political Environment: The government is currently focusing on encouraging the local manufacture of finished and semi-finished goods in the country.  This  will be a  major advantage for interested local investors as it provides them with a playing ground for building their business.  Currently, local manufacturers face a number of challenges including: High Input Cost,   Lack of petrochemical plant,   High cost of production/distribution,   Customs administration and port related issues,   Common External Tariff (CET) and issue of competitiveness Security of life property Weak legal framework   Although, there are various incentives in place to boost local manufacture the high transaction costs resulting from above make local manufacturing uncompetitive with the outside world.   Unilever, as a matter of policy, set a standard as to the way of tackling political issues. In the 1960s, many countries began to nationalise foreign firms which also affected Unilever. There were persistent calls for local equity participation in foreign firms; many companies were subject to local control on prices, imports, and employment of expatriate. An example is UAC, a subsidiary of Unilever, whose operation was in many African countries like Cameroun, Ghana, Ivory Coast, including Nigeria, was focused on as its profit margin and the rate of easy remittance of profit to its Anglo-Dutch parent was enormous. Nationalising UAC hampered Unilevers control over the market where UAC operates. Economic Factor: GDP real growth rate:  3.8% (2009 est.)   5.3% (2008 est.)   6.4% (2007 est.)   Year GDP real growth rate Rank Percent Change Date of Information 2003 3.00 % 105 2002 est. 2004 7.10 % 25 136.67 % 2003 est. 2005 6.20 % 44 -12.68 % 2004 est. 2006 6.90 % 43 11.29 % 2005 est. 2007 5.30 % 90 -23.19 % 2006 est. 2008 6.40 % 66 20.75 % 2007 est. 2009 5.30 % 78 -17.19 % 2008 est. 2010 3.80 % 44 -28.30 % 2009 est. Source:  CIA World Factbook This entry gives GDP growth on an annual basis adjusted for inflation and expressed as a percent. GDP (purchasing power parity):  $353.2 billion (2009 est.)   $340.3 billion (2008 est.)   $323.1 billion (2007 est.)   note:  data are in 2009 US dollars This entry gives the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. A nations GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates is the sum value of all goods and services produced in the country valued at prices prevailing in the United States. This is the measure most economists prefer when looking at per-capita welfare and when comparing living conditions or use of resources across countries. The measure is difficult to compute, as a US dollar value has to be assigned to all goods and services in the country regardless of whether these goods and services have a direct equivalent in the United States (for example, the value of an ox-cart or non-US military equipment); as a result, PPP estimates for some countries are based on a small and sometimes different set of goods and services. In addition, many countries do not formally participate in the World Banks PPP project that calculates these measures, so the resulting GDP estimates for these countries may lack precision. For many developing countries, PPP-based GDP measures are multiples of the official exchange rate (OER) measure. The differences between the OER- and PPP-denominated GDP values for most of the wealthy industrialized countries are generally much smaller (CIA World Fact book)   In Nigeria there was uncertainty about duties to be paid by companies due to inflation and fluctuation of currency. The effect on Unilever was a decrease in profit in 2005 compared to 2004, though there was increase in turnover. In 2004 and 2005 the profit after tax were =N= 2.167 billion (naira) and =N= 1.616 billion (naira) respectively, while in the turnover in 2004 and 2005 were =N= 28.6 billion (naira) =N= 33.4 billion (naira) respectively, which indicates increase in turnover but decrease in profit. Also the low per capital of people affects Unilevers market. Over 30% of Africa population lives on less than $ 1 per day. Socio-cultural Factor: Looking at the social factor of Unilever, their main focus is to add beauty to life, they ensure that they meet the needs of consumer on daily basis Such needs are; nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help someone feel good, look good and get more out of life. Unilever can make products that help give children a good start and be healthy for longer time. Their brands are also involved in a number of social initiatives to promote the importance of playing sports. Unilever has a platform and ground to improve vitality worldwide through its global scale and its interactions with consumers. Every day, 150 million consumers use Unilever brands. They use them to feel really good. Health and Welfare Concerning the area of health, Unilever has the credit to make people feel very healthy because they have good food that establishes their satisfaction. Soya is another plant-derived ingredient with an excellent nutritional profile. It is cholesterol-free, and a good source of protein, vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It has modest cholesterol lowering potential Unilever Brand Unilever brand is superior and sound brands to help add value to the lives of people in general.Unilever Nigeria is a leading manufacturer of Oral care products such as Close up Fresh Red Toothpaste, Close-Up Extended Protection Toothpaste, Close Up Expert and Popular Toothbrushes. From the launch of Close Up Red Gel toothpaste in 1975. Technological Factor: The basic aim of technological factor is that, it enhances quick awareness to the general public through the use of internet facilities, radio, television etc which promotes the marketing aspect of the business. Unilever attract people with their advertisements, another strategy they use is e-commerce. Unilever wants to step up the use of the Internet in order to improve brand communication/marketing and on-line selling to simplify business-to-business transactions throughout the supply chain. Legal Factor: Though Nigeria has a weak legal structure generally, it has a Parastatal called Nigeria Agency for Food Drugs Control (NAFDAC) that regulates activities of multinational companies that are into manufacturing of consumables like foods, Beverages and Detergents. Unilever are committed to providing consumers with products that are consistent in quality, safe in use and free from adverse effects at all times. These are achieved by: 1. Fostering a consumer safety structure throughout the company by establishing systems and processes that will guarantee the well being of their consumers. 2. Complying with all legal requirements in the management of consumer safety. 3. Implementing an effective consumer complaints mechanism, to monitor, investigate and deal with complaints from the trade. 4. With all these precautions, they are continuously ascertaining that their products and processes meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Environmental Factor: Unilever  Nigeria takes the responsibility of raising the quality of life of people in the operating environment through the quality of their brands and contributions to communities in which they operate. Talking about the environment, it explains the weather, temperature and the climatic condition of the environment which the business operates, in most cases, when the weather condition is good, it favors the business itself. Unilever is a market that is known globally and its market has been successful all over the world, due to this awareness, its brand is well appreciated. Porters Five Forces: Understanding the nature of each of these forces gives organizations the necessary insights to enable them to formulate the appropriate  strategies  to be successful in their market (Thurlby, 1998). Rivalry: Rivalry in any business outfit is inevitable, when a business should have its rivals, it motivates them to improve more in their products in other to attract more attention to consumers. The intensity of rivalry, which is the most obvious of the five forces in an  industry, Unilever has been more dominant in market compare to Nestle. Barriers to Entry: The threat of new entrants is usually based on the market entry barriers. In contrast, entry barriers exist whenever it is difficult or not economically feasible for an outsider to replicate the incumbents position (Porter, 1980b; Sanderson, 1998) Suppliers: The threat that substitute products pose to an industrys profitability depends on the relative price-to-performance  ratios  of the different types of products or services to which customers can turn to satisfy the same basic need. Customers: Kippenberger (1998) states that it is often useful to distinguish potential buyer power from the buyers willingness or incentive to use that power, willingness that derives mainly from the risk of failure associated with a products use. In any business organisation, Buyer Power is a force that influence the value established by an  industry.   The most important aspect of buyer power is the size and the concentration of customers. Other factors are the extent to which the buyers are informed. Substitutes: as the name implies, substitute products are usually many in the market and vast numbers of substitutes are available, supplier power is seen as a mirror image of the buyer power. In other to convince customers to buy products at different prices in the value created for each of those buyers usually indicates that the market is characterised by high supplier power and at the same time by low buyer power (Porter, 1998). Bargaining power of suppliers exists in the following situations: Where the switching costs are high (switching from one Internet provider to another); High power of  brands  (McDonalds,  British Airways,  Tesco); Possibility of forward integration of suppliers (Brewers buying bars); Fragmentation of customers (not in clusters) with a limited bargaining power (Gas/Petrol  stations in remote places). 4. SWOT ANALYSIS: SWOT analysis to my own understanding is a way to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a business environment. It explains the purpose of the business and if there are any lapses or pot holes, the management is liable to provide solutions. The table below summarises the SWOT analysis of Unilever Nigeria Strength: Unilever Nigeria is recognised as a global company which has its products all over the world. It has strong brand portfolio and sound relationship with retailers basically and economies of scale. Strong roots in local markets and first-hand knowledge of the local culture. Weakness:Unileverweakness is the dual leadership not connecting with customers and secondly, Inefficient management for RD the inability to maximize. Opportunities: Unilever has the opportunity of increasing need for healthy products and changing consumer preferences by adding value to their daily needs. Threats: Unilever encounter decrease in revenues and strong competition, increasing store brands. They also encounter Tougher Business Climate and exchange rates. 1. Core Competences: A core competency is a way in which a business handles the affairs of the organisation. In other words, the organisation makes advancements to the growth of its business. In core competence, it is not usually easy for competitors to imitate, take for example, in the area of branding, the Logo of a company, and their style of doing things etc it is usually difficult to imitate. The core competence of Unilever is that, it can provide competitive advantage in its strong brand portfolio, strong relationship retailers. Brand is an asset of a company, it helps to distinguish companies product just as my lecturer Mr. John rightly said, it is the brand and logo of a company that promotes the market to competing products to help sales and capture the market. 2. Global perspectives Unilever is an organisation known globally and it has made impact to so many peoples lives, their products have spread abroad, they have gainfully employed millions of people and their products have been sold massively across the globe. Its global factor is achieving its growth and objectives, looking at how Unilever has pushed the business toward global approach is focused towards new opportunities, this could be traced back to how Unilever started, viewing this from the historical perspective of the company. In 2002, Unilever initiated a procurement centre in Shangai and China, this was to increase opportunities for Chinese raw materials providers. Unilever also carried out research and development to be able to ascertain new product and have basic knowledge to introduce to new market, these activities were meant to boost Unilever global business. Another factor Unilever adopted is in the area of brand, they did this to create awareness across border synergies in manufacturing and marketing. In other to accomplish this task, it started in 1999 when it launched the Heart Brand logo of ice cream product, this was meant to enhance its products. This idea was carried out to capture integration amongst subsidiaries to facilitate control centralisation. Conclusion: Bye and large, the organisation is in a very good position to continue growing. The history of Unilever is really amazing because, it started with the soap production and gradually, it grew up to producing diverse products today which is really enhancing the lives of people. In this work, I established the following which include thus: The History of Unilever Nigeria The theoretical Framework The Analysis, internal and external factors The five forces (Porter) SWOT Analysis and Core competences and finally, Global perspectives

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Relationship Between the Roman Authorities and the Early Church

When early Christians began to read the Bible and follow The Way, they begun to walk the path and carved which was uniquely Christian history. Eusebius was a bishop, an overseer in the tradition of the apostle Paul and John among others. It is amazing that his detailed account during those days were not only preserved for posterity, but that he had the tenacity, the determination and the strength to identify and record people and events he was facing during his day. These were people who were being murdered or whose bodies were mutilated.We read of characters and personalities – different people – from all walks of life who had a common experience. They became disciples of Jesus the Christ and almost all of them faced the same fate which is martyrdom. The Roman government was more than a backdrop for the setting of the story that Eusebius had written. It was an empire whose rule was not to be underestimated for its intelligence and its equally determined goal to subdue all who seemed and were planning to defy that rule. Yet for some observers today, the Rome seemed tolerant for the practice of any religion.The question then remains: why did Rome persecute the Christians? And why do we look back to this period to call it as the era of the martyrs? Looking back at Rome’s policy we see the Imperial authorities as remarkably lenient over the religions of those they have power over with. If the national religions of those territories would include homage to the emperor among their other ceremonies or rites, Rome almost never get in the way. As long as the Roman authorities think that the Christians were just a sect of the Jews, followers of Jesus enjoyed immunity much like the rest of them.But upon realizing that this supposed Jewish sect were up to more than being very fanatical about their monotheistic beliefs and that this â€Å"sect† not just incessantly talked about Jesus but intended to make Christians out of the entire population o f the empire and that this was spreading like wildfire, Rome changed its stance and started to view the Christians as threats. From time to time, the Christians felt the wrath of the Roman authorities as well as its very own people. The experiences of every named disciple or follower were more than horrific.These Christians suffered torture of every kind invented by fellow human being. The main cause of the loathing and revulsion that the early Christians felt from within the Roman society lies in the former’s distinctive life-style. The real Christian is a person who is essentially unlike the rest. Problem is that men always view with suspicion people who are different. Then and now, conformity not distinctiveness, is the way to a trouble-free life. So the more early Christians took their faith seriously the more they were in danger of crowd reaction.Thus, simply by having a lifestyle in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, the Christian was a constant unspoken condemnati on of the pagan way of life. As Eusebius in his time was observing and reacting to the events that took place, it was not that the Christians went about all or any forms of censure to disparage the government and those who were not with â€Å"The Way,† nor were they consciously self-righteous and a cut above all others. It was clear then that the Christian ethic was a criticism of the pagan way of life.Fundamental to Christianity and primary cause of continual hostilities was the Christian’s rejection of the pagan gods. The Romans expectedly had deities for every facet of living- be it for harvest (sowing and reaping), or perhaps something to do with the weather. The Christians denial of them marked the Jesus’ followers as enemies of the state. There were also social events which were of themselves reasons that Christians object because they were inherently wrong like the gladiatorial combats which were intolerably inhuman.The picture is clear that it was hard f or Roman society to co-exist with a totally distinct and seemingly opposing lifestyle that to annihilate or hurt to discourage these Christians was the order of the day. This widespread hatred for early Christians helps explain the persecution in the Roman hands. There were outbursts of bloodshed which became common. Another obvious and related reason why Christians were persecuted was the slanders disseminated against them. This was both implied and detailed in the reports made to Eusebius from named persons. Once these defaming stories started they could never be stopped.The secrecy with which Christian gatherings were held aroused suspicions and bred distrust. Charges include sex orgies, cannibalism and even ridiculously, atheism. But the more serious supposed crime the early disciples of Jesus committed surfaced from the tradition of emperor worship. This practice sprang from the merits of Roman rule; what was popularly called Pax Romana or the Roman peace. The resulting peace w as a deep and heartfelt gratitude to the spirit of Rome. This was an easy step from the spirit of Rome to become the goddess of Roma and eventually evolved into one final symbol of Roman spirit which was the emperor.Any allegiance other than to that of the Roman emperor slowly spelled intimidation or threat to their governance. No other sect or group posed this threat during these times than the â€Å"fanatical† Christians who were loyal to their â€Å"Lord. † In one sense, Rome was right because there was a real conflict of loyalties. The Christians never compromised by saying â€Å"Caesar is Lord. † From then on, Roman authorities branded them as a band of potential revolutionaries threatening the existence of the Roman Empire and were then deserving of expulsion or death.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Implications of Tuition-Free College Education Essay

In considering the matter of tuition-free college education for all qualified citizens, one must ask what impact there will be on society in general, national economics and the educational system over all. In removing all economical barriers to education on the four-year level, an increased number of qualified employees will exist and the level of Master’s and Doctoral degrees would heighten. This will serve humanity better in allowing a higher level of professionalism and informed citizenry for the countries in question. In a study performed by De-Fraja in 2002, the results were divided between the bright and the unintelligent. In allowing a tax-supported educational system, the study shows that more capable individuals who were not afforded an educational opportunity would be allowed to serve better the needs of the government and the populace in general. It also insinuates that the unfortunate challenged people would become more efficient if they opted for education, whereas otherwise they may become a burden on the system in general. In affording these opportunities, a higher-trained workforce becomes available, thereby giving more opportunity for tax-supported education from the increase in tax payments per capita. De-Fraja further supposes that the option of private education will widen the gap between the privileged and the non- but at least society is improved overall (De-Fraja 2002). Feldman and Steenbergen implicate the need to provide these opportunities in terms of humanitarianism. In allowing underprivileged individuals the ability to improve themselves, we are thereby improving our own society. The study argues that, â€Å"humanitarianism is an important element of the American sociopolitical ethos, although it has received little attention in the public opinion literature,† (Feldman & Steenbergen, 2001). With the social welfare system carrying a negative reputation, they suggest that the educational system would be impacted by this, but this is the area to address rather than the positives that would come from the tuition-free programs. Dynarski looks at the issue from an economics point of view. In contending that the financial burden of providing such a system would be heavy, the resulting influx of employee base would increase the operating capital of the project, thus off-setting the cost in the end. She also poses that even a $1,000 grant for students will increase the participation levels by 4-6%. In offering free college in the public education sector, the private organization can still offer varying levels of programs, but the populace overall will contribute in a positive manner. Although she states that the obvious impact would be in satisfactory standards for these programs, with the proper system in place, the concern should be effectively addressed, thus making the decision economically viable (Dynarski, 2002). Finally, as a practical implication, we look at the evidence offered by Foondun. In looking at the effect of free-tuition in developed and developing countries, Foondun found that while developing nations do not always have the distinct plan to offer educational programs, as countries grow – the sponsorship of private schools increase. With this increase, one finds betterment in the general populace and the economic situation overall. With an increase in educated individuals, the shift begins to slide towards betterment of the country and its people, humanitarian efforts increasing on a larger scale. With this would follow the tuition-free education systems, thereby improving the overall condition of the country (Foondun 2002). In conclusion, by looking at the economic, humanitarian, and practical implications of free-tuition offered to all qualified individuals, we can see that the impact will be positive. In looking at the growth potential of countries specifically, we find that without the foundation of an educated populous, a developing nation will remain at a disadvantage. In fostering education, tax bases increase, as does the livelihood of humanity throughout. Free-tuition for secondary educational is worthwhile and recommended overall. References De-Fraja, G. (Apr 2002). â€Å"The design of optimal education policies. † The Review of Economic Studies, 69(2), 437-466. Dynarski, S. (May 2002). â€Å"The behavioral and distributional implications of aid for college. † The American Economic Review, 92(2), 279-285. Feldman, S. & Steenbergen, M. R. (Jun 2001). â€Å"The humanitarian foundation of public support for social welfare. † American Journal of Political Science, 45(3), 658-677. Foondun, A. R. (Nov 2002). â€Å"The issue of private tuition: An analysis of the practice in Mauritius and selected South-East Asian countries. † International Review of Education, 48(6), 485-515.